discussion guide

Watching the film in a group setting or classroom? Download our discussion guide to increase engagement and foster meaningful conversation:


Donor Sibling Registry

DNA Detectives

What does it mean to be “Family”? - sara on the spit podcast

When Sara set out to look for her biological father, she knew that she’d wind up in some interesting situations, but she never dreamed the wild road would take her into a recording studio with Melissa Etheridge! Listen to their episode of  Spit, a new iHeartRadio podcast that explores how DNA testing gives us a new perspective on who we are and how we are all connected, hosted by the marvelous Baratunde Thurston:

Chromosome 19

A short film about another DNA journey—in Chromosome 19, Sara Lamm and Dr. Robert Watts discuss their shared ancestry in light of our nation’s painful history of racism.